Kevin & Jessica's Wedding Information Page

Time & Date 6 pm on August 22nd, 1998
Place The Old (Snoqualmie) Winery
37444 SE Winery Road
Snoqualmie, WA 98065
Accommodations Doubletree Hotel Bellevue Center
818-112th Avenue N.E.
Bellevue, WA 98004
(425) 455-1515 - FAX:(425) 454-3964 - 1(800)-222-TREE

We're registered at the Bon Marche (1-800-638-9656) for most things. We're also registered at Michael Round for China (Lenox Federal Platinum) and Stainless Flatware (Gorham Column). Michael Round is LOTS cheaper than the Bon Marche...

I also plan on registering at a toy store (HomeBase, Home Depot, Eagle Hardware, etc) but haven't gotten around to it yet.
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