Chilly Hilly 1995
Chilly Hilly '95 will be held on Sunday, February 26th. This year's event is dedicated to David Juarez and Skip Jolley.HELMETS SAVE LIVES. ANSI OR SNELL-APPROVED HELMETS ARE REQUIRED ON CHILLY HILLY.
Day-of-ride registration (if not sold out) will be at packet pick-up locations [see below or call the hotline, (206) 522-BIKE].
Day-of-ride packet pickup will be from 7 am to 11 am below Alaskan Way opposite the Seattle Ferry Terminal and at the Chilly Hilly Breakfast behind the Town & Country Market (Bainbridge Island registrants) from 7:30 am to 11 am. Please park cars at the Winslow Ferry Terminal.
Arrive early on the day-of-the-ride to catch the ferry you prefer (due to the
limit on number of passengers per ferry, you may have to board a ferry
departure later than your arrival time would suggest).
Bainbridge Island Charities
The Cascade Bicycle Club would like to show its appreciation to the residents
of Bainbridge Island by showing support to the local community. A portion of
your registration fee is being donated to two Bainbridge Island charities.
This year's recipients are Helpline House Food Bank and Bainbridge Youth
Optional Donation to Juarez/Jolley Families
Chilly Hilly '95 is dedicated to David Juarez and Skip Jolley. Both
cyclists were struck by a car during a Cascade Bicycle Club training ride on
October 13th, 1994, allegedly by a hit-and-run drunk driver. David died as a
result of his injuries and is survived by his wife Maria and three children.
Skip Jolley was hospitalized for over five weeks and returned home to his family
just before Thanksgiving. He is still recuperating from his injuries.
We encourage you to make a donation which will be split equally between the
two families. Simply note your donation on the registration form and include
the amount in your check. If you are not registering for the ride but wish to
make a donation, send your check payable to Chilly Hilly, Cascade Bicycle Club,
PO Box 31299, Seattle, WA 98103, and include a note that it is for the
Juarez/Jolley donation.
Official Chilly Hilly Soup'r Cider Stop
Be sure to stop by the official Chilly Hilly refreshment stop. Once
again, the location is the American Legion Hall - a little less than halfway
around the course. Soup and Odwalla (R) cider are free for registered riders;
proceeds from the bake sale benefit the Girl Scouts. Cider Stop hours are
8:30 am to 2:00 pm. A Lost & Found table will be located there.
Please remove your shoes before entering the American Legion Hall to protect
the floor.
Hot & Hearty Breakfast - Chilly Hilly Chili
Carboload or replenish at either the pancake breakfast or post-ride chili feed.
Breakfast available 8:30 am to 1:30 pm at the covered parking area, Town &
Country Market. Proceeds benefit Team Winslow, a downtown association. And the
Ft. Ward Neighborhood Association will be offering chili and cornbread at the
Senior Center, 370 Bjune Drive (directly behind Town & Country, next to
Waterfront Park), from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Once again, the Washington State Ferry System has been extremely cooperative in
accommodating Chilly Hilly. Please follow instructions of the ferry load
personnel and walk your bicycle on to the ferry toi ensure a safe and enjoyable
trip. Your number bib will be your ferry ticket (beginning with the 7:50 am
sailing) - good only on the day-of-the-ride. There will be literally hundreds
of other bicyclists at the terminal picking up packets and waiting for the
ferries - Arrive early to meet the ferry you would like to take. First
come, first served.
Please, no cleats in the passenger area of the ferry.
For Your Safety
There will be several vehicles with amateur radio communications and medics
aboard circling the route opposite to the flow of bicycle traffic. They are
identified with Cascade Bicycle Club signs, and are there to assist bicyclists
with difficulties. They are in radio contact with Police and Fire Departments
and the Event Coordinators.
The day-of-ride emergency number is 522-BIKE. It will be answered
live in our communications center at the Soup'r Cider Stop.
Your Bike
Please check that your bicycle is in safe working condition. If any
maintenance is required please be sure to have it done before the ride.
Bicycle mechanics will be stationed at five points around the course, and there
will be repair crews on tandems riding the route. If you are unable to make it
to a repair site under your own power, contact a route marshal and a
safety vehicle may be able to help you out.
Thanks to the following bike shops which are providing mechanical support for
the ride: Reliable Cycle, Montlake Bicycle Shop, Elliott Bay Bicycles, R+E
Cycles, Seattle Cycles, and Velo Stores.
Join Cascade and Get a Discount
If your membership is currently active at the time of Chilly Hilly, or you join
when registering fro the ride, your are eligible for a $3 Member
Discount. Currently active members should affix the mailing label from
their newsletter to the registration form, and joining members should complete
the membership information part of the registration form.